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Gtiploy publishes and exposes metrics that Prometheus can consume at the standard /metrics endpoint.


1. Configure the server:


2. Configure the prometheus scraper:

scrape_interval: 60s

- job_name: gitploy
credentials: YOUR_SECRET

- targets: ['']

Gitploy Metrics

Gitploy provides the following Gitploy metrics. Note that Some metrics are provided only for the production environment (i.e. production_environment: true in the configuration file).

  • gitploy_requests_total
    How many HTTP requests processed, partitioned by status code and HTTP method.
  • gitploy_request_duration_seconds
    The HTTP request latencies in seconds
  • gitploy_total_deployment_count
    The total deployment count of the production deployments.
  • gitploy_total_rollback_count
    The total rollback count of the production deployments.
  • gitploy_total_line_additions
    The total added lines of the production deployments.
  • gitploy_total_line_deletions
    The total deleted lines of the production deployments.
  • gitploy_total_line_changes
    The total changed lines of the production deployments.
  • gitploy_total_lead_time_seconds
    The total amount of time it takes a commit to get into the production environments.
  • gitploy_total_commit_count
    The total commit count of production deployments.
  • gitploy_member_count
    The total count of members.
  • gitploy_member_limit
    The limit count of members.
  • gitploy_total_active_repo_count
    The count of active repositories.
  • gitploy_total_repo_count
    The count of repositories.